Integrate JOIN with Personio

Integrating JOIN with Personio is done in just a few little steps:

  1. Sign in to Personio, navigate to Settings > API credentials.

  2. Click "Recruiting API key" and copy company ID and access token.

  3. Activate XML Feed in Personio Settings under Recruiting, Career page and Activations. Read more here.


  4. If you wish, you can also create a “JOIN” channel to have candidates tagged as coming from JOIN. To do so,

    • navigate to Settings > Recruiting > Channels.

    • Create a new option by entering a name (e.g., “JOIN”) and

    • Click the "+" button.

    • Once done, you can copy the “Channel ID”.

    • When done, please contact us, so we can update the integration accordingly.

  5. Also, you can create a custom candidate attribute to have the original source (e.g., Indeed, LinkedIn) displayed on Personio. To do so,

    • Navigate to Settings > Recruiting > Attributes > Candidate profile.

    • Add a new attribute by entering a name (e.g., JOIN original source)

    • Select “text” as type and save it.

    • Copy the “API name”.

    Add the data collected above to the integration form in your company settings.

    Click the "Request" button in the top right corner.

JOIN will enable the integration and notify you once it is ready, please allow up to one full working day.