Integrate JOIN with Teamtailor
Do you prefer to manage your candidates in Teamtailor? No problem, thanks to our new integration. All you need is your individual API Key.
Integrating JOIN with Teamtailor is done with just a few clicks:
Log in to Teamtailor.
Click Your Name > Settings in the upper right corner.
Navigate to Integrations > API Keys.
In the upper right corner, click the button “+ New API Key”
Enter a name for your new API Key (e.g., “JOIN").
Select “Admin” in the dropdown menu.
Tick the boxes for “Read” and “Write”.
Click the "Create" button. Your newly generated API Key will now appear on the overview page.
Copy your API Key and paste it to your Teamtailor integration page on JOIN (Company settings > Integrations > Teamtailor).
Click “Request” in the top right corner.
JOIN will enable the integration and notify you once it is ready. Please allow up to one full working day.
Do you need some visual support? Check out our Teamtailor integration slideshow!