Can't find ad under LinkedIn profile
Can't find your ad under your LinkedIn profile? First of all, please make sure that your LinkedIn company profile is connected to your JOIN account here.
It is possible that your profile was entered after your job was posted. In this case, you can speed up the syncing process by reposting the job (e.g. making a small adjustment in your ad like adding spaces, changing formatting/text etc.) and posting the job again.
Please note that the job sync can take up to 24h. Please contact our support if it still does not appear after this time.
Additional troubleshooting that you can quickly perform:
Make sure that your LinkedIn profile allows postings from ATS Systems. This can be checked in your Linkedin Admin or by contacting Linkedin support.
Also, check your profile for duplicates, as they might be blocked. LinkedIn might block the additional job ad if an identical/similar job ad is already shown in your LinkedIn profile (not coming from JOIN).