Indeed Premium: Pay Per Started Application (PPSA)

All Indeed Premium Ads are based on a Pay Per Started Application live auction pricing model.

Indeed has introduced this pricing model for European Markets in February 2024, transitioning from Pay per Click (CPC Model) to PPSA.

What is Pay Per Started Application?

With PPSA, you pay for started applications, not just clicks, like when a candidate undertakes an activity to begin the application process by clicking the call-to-action button to apply for a job in a Job Ad.* This button may appear as Apply, Apply now, or Apply on company site. 

*Charges are based on started applications, which are defined as a user undertaking an activity to begin the application process. This may include, 1) a user clicking on a button or link in a Job Ad or email to start or continue an apply on the Site or on a third party site; 2) a user interacting with a chatbot, QR code, or other method to start an apply related to a Job Ad; or 3) a user clicking on a button or link to schedule an interview, where that step precedes or replaces the application process on the Site. See Indeed’s Terms for more information.

What are the benefits of PPSA?

Pay for performance

  • Pay for started applications from higher-intent candidates. 

  • Our dynamic bidding technology optimises performance.

Fill your roles efficiently 

  • Charging against started applications helps your budget work to its full potential.

  • No additional upfront processing means minimal set-up time, so you can focus on making great hires.

Easily drive results

  • Optimise your performance through an intuitive, centralised dashboard.

  • Budgeting, campaign setup, and invoicing all remain the same. 

Meet your hiring objectives

  • Promote your roles across Indeed, Glassdoor and our Trusted Media Network.

  • Tailor campaigns to suit your hiring goals with Objective-based Campaigns.

Understanding PPSA campaign budgets 

PPSA pricing is performance-based and continues the live auction model, meaning actual costs are determined by the talent marketplace. Your budget will be spent dynamically, to match candidate demand. This may result in budget being spent faster or slower, as Indeed drives applications to your roles as effective as possible.