JOIN Dashboard
From your account Dashboard you can access jobs and candidates via shortcuts, see analytics, and get updates on promotions and features.
Here is what you will always find on your dashboard:
Search bar and Job Ad creation
Browse your account by clicking on the search bar or using the command/⌘+K.
By clicking on the blue dot in the upper right, you can initiate the job ad creation directly from the dashboard.

Overview Section:
Review candidates in screening
See how many candidates are currently in the "Screening" phase.
Clicking 'Review' takes you directly to the applications in the screening stage, either for all jobs or for a selected job.
Hiring Pipeline Analytics
Get an overview of your hiring stages with our analytics section. You can easily see the number of applications in each hiring state - screening (new applications), active process, and offer.
By default, you see an overview of all online and offline jobs. To examine a specific active job in detail, use the dropdown filter to show analytics for a job.

Recently Viewed Jobs
In this section you will find your last viewed jobs for quick access.
Pick up where you left off or create a new job!