
Using scorecards in your hiring process can help you make more informed and consistent hiring decisions by providing an objective evaluation of candidates based on predetermined criteria.

Start using scorecards to improve your hiring outcomes today!

Create and edit Scorecard templates:

  1. Go to "Settings" select "Scorecards"

  2. You can then create a new template, edit an existing or clone and delete

Note: All changes will only be applied to future scorecards.

Use Scorecards

Scorecards can be used as an interview guideline. Here is how:

  1. Go to the candidate you want to use a scorecard for

  2. Open the tab Scorecard just under the candidate's name

  3. Click "Add Scorecard" and use a template or create one from scratch

  4. Fill in your information and Publish the Scorecard when you're done. You can also save as draft.

The scorecard is now visible to you and your team in the candidate overview.

Add, remove, or edit questions and attributes when submitting a scorecard

You can add, remove, and edit interview questions and attributes when submitting a new scorecard or when editing an already submitted scorecard.

Additionally, you have the option to update the scorecard template while submitting a scorecard. Changes to the template will only be reflected on future scorecards.

Scorecard overview

All scorecards can be seen in the candidate overview. When more scorecards are submitted by one or more team members, a summary view will be displayed in the candidate's scorecard tab.

An average score per attribute will be calculated and shown for an easier assessment.