Set the workplace
Select from various employment types including on-site, remote, and hybrid in the job editor, allowing you to effectively promote your job openings to the right candidates.
You can set the work location in the job editor by selecting:

On-site - Hybrid - Remote
Hybrid, on-site and remote jobs are different types of work arrangements that determine where and how an employee works.
On-site: Onsite jobs require employees to work from a physical office or location. Employees are expected to work from the office every day.
Hybrid: Hybrid jobs combine both onsite and remote work. This means that the employee works from the office for some days and works from home or another location for the rest of the days. Hybrid jobs offer a flexible schedule and a balance between the benefits of onsite and remote work.
Remote (by country): Remote jobs allow employees to work from any location outside of the office, most commonly home office. These candidates are legally based in one specific country but can still work remotely.
Remote (anywhere): Remote jobs allow employees to work from any location outside of the office, most commonly home office. These candidates can be based anywhere in the world.
Why is this relevant?
The relevance of these different types of work arrangements depends on the nature of the job and the preferences of the employer and employee. Hybrid and remote jobs are becoming increasingly popular because they offer more flexibility and work-life balance, and they can often result in cost savings for both the employer and the employee.
Your reach can be increased, the more flexibility you can offer. The funnel is the widest with remote anywhere, to remote by country, hybrid to on-site.
This trend is expected to continue in the job search, with more and more companies offering flexible work arrangements to attract top talent and increase employee satisfaction.
You can still note the details of the type of employment in the job advertisement (share of remote work for hybrid, remote office places, additional flexibility etc.)