Applications Overview

Candidate overview: Managing applications

The Applications page is your central hub for managing candidates who have applied for your published jobs. With various sections and tools, it offers flexibility and support to streamline your recruitment process. Access essential candidate information and quickly perform actions such as previewing CVs, copying email addresses, changing stages, attaching tags, rejecting candidates, and sending rejection messages.

You can access it in two ways:

  • Navigate from your Dashboard to the Applications section for an overview of all applications across all jobs (table view available).

  • Navigate from your Dashboard to the Jobs section and click on a specific job to view all applications for that particular role (table and cards view available).

Quick actions

Efficiently manage your applications with these quick actions:

Reject (forbidden symbol)
  • If you decide to not move on with this candidate, or your candidate is no longer interested in the position, you have the option to disqualify the candidate with that quick action button. 

  • You have different options to reject candidates, all of them are available in the Applications view, and on candidate level. See → Automated Messages for more information.

Options via the three dots button

Access additional candidate management features with (some of the options might be unavailable or not appear, depending on the candidate and their information provided).

  • Copy Email: Quickly copy the candidate's email address for efficient communication.

  • Copy Phone Number: Easily access and copy the candidate's phone number for direct contact.

  • Download CV: Instantly download the candidate's CV for offline review and record-keeping.

Tag candidates
  • To tag an individual candidate, click the ticket icon with the number showing active tags in the relevant column. Enter a new tag in the free text field, then click "+ Create 'name of tag,'" or select from existing tags to add it.

  • For bulk tagging, select multiple candidates by checking the boxes next to their names. Then, click the "Add Tag" button at the bottom center of the screen. Enter a new tag in the free text field and click "+ Create 'name of tag,'" or choose from saved tags to apply them.

Move candidates in stages

Easily progress candidates to the next stage of your recruiting pipeline with the click of a button. Simply click on the current stage of the candidate in the according column, and seamlessly advance them through the recruitment process to the desired stage.

Bulk disqualifications

After filling a position, you can easily disqualify other candidates in bulk. Check the boxes next to the candidates' names on the left, then select the "Reject" button at the bottom center. Choose your preferred rejection option to complete the process.

Download and preview candidate information
  • Click the CV to preview and effortlessly view the candidate's document, downloading it individually if needed. 

  • For bulk downloads, select candidates using the checkboxes on the left, then click the three dots at the bottom center to export their data (available from Advance Model)

Personalization of the Jobs Page

View options

– Easily customize how you view and interact with your candidates by adjusting your "View" settings. 

Access the ‘view’ options by clicking the "View" button located at the top right of the Applications section. This functionality allows you to tailor the view to suit your preferences and streamline your workflow.

  • Show as: Choose between two distinct viewing modes:

    • Cards View: This mode displays each job as an individual card. Each card contains essential details such as the job's status, last update, and integrated action buttons, including a "Promote" shortcut. It's ideal for quick scanning and an organized visual integration into your dashboard

    • Table View: This mode provides a more detailed perspective, displaying job information in a table format. With visible columns for application count, creation date, and more, it allows you to customize which columns are displayed for optimal control and visibility.

  • Sort by: Refine the order in which your candidates are listed to better suit your requirements. Options are: name (alphabetical), applied on (by date).

  • Visible Data (only available in table view): Control what information is visible in your Applications overview. You can toggle the display options for various fields like: Email, Applied On, Candidate Location, Source, Tags and CV.

These 'view' options enable you to efficiently manage your applications, making it easier to focus on what matters most in your recruitment process.

Filter options

–  Easily adjust your Applications view based on specific criteria such as Hiring/Pipeline stage, application date, application source, application tags, or candidate country. enabling you to focus on particular candidates.

To access the filters, click the filter button located at the top left of the Applications view. When no filter is currently applied, the button is labeled "Filters." However, if a filter is active, it displays as "x filter added." Clicking this button allows you to manage your filters—remove active ones or add new ones as needed.

Once clicked, the filter panel opens on the right side of the screen, displaying all available filters. When a filter is chosen, it might offer you the sub-menu to select the applicable options via tickbox. With choosing “apply filter” it will become active. By selecting “+ add filter” in the filter panel you can add any additional filter(s).